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Women, Let's Take Our Place! Program

Aamna, Calgary, Alberta
"I personally believe that an effective leader is one that is not only willing to listen to the input of their fellow team members, but also implement the ideas in a wise and productive manner. Furthermore, a successful leader is one that is compassionate to the plight of others, while still maintaining a sense of structure or purpose within the group. Different situations require different types of leaders. For instance, when handling delicate situations a more empathetic leader is effective, rather than one that might overpower and thus silence the voice of the members. Regardless of the type, leaders strive to create an atmosphere that nurtures and enables individuals to flourish."


Cloée, Montréal, Québec

 "A good leader is someone that leads by example and doesn't expect their team to do all the work involved in a project. A good leader is someone that listens to his community and team members in order to deliver good projects that meet the community’s needs. A good leader also comes up with good and innovative ideas for project and doesn’t necessarily wait for their team to do everything for them. A good leader does as much work as their team. A good leader makes sure everyone in their team is doing their work adequately."


Asha, North York, Ontario

"To me a good leader is someone who uses equity as a means of leadership, supporting people at where they are at and supporting them to where they need to be individually. A good leader is someone who understands and promotes human and women rights. A good leader is a person who listens to the needs and wants of others and not their own."

Charlotte, Québec, Québec

"Selon moi, un bon leader est d'abord et avant tout un excellent «team player»: c'est quelqu'un de positif, toujours en mode solution, qui connaît bien son équipe et sait utiliser à leur maximum les forces de chacun. Un bon leader est aussi selon moi un médiateur, qui sait avec tact et diplomatie reconnaître les situations conflictuelles et mettre en place des mesures afin de les atténuer/de les régler. C'est aussi quelqu'un de très à l'écoute, ouvert aux critiques et qui a le désir de s'améliorer constamment!"



Nayaelah, Ottawa, Ontario

"Good leaders are not afraid to be vulnerable and ask for help and also at the same time recognize the potential in others and help create an environment to allow them to grow and foster their skills."



Sinthusha, Saint-Laurent, Québec 

"A good leader is someone who is a role model. Someone who exudes positive energy, empowers others, paves the path for their future generation. Someone who believes in working together and leads a path of inspiration for others to aspire to."

To meet the participants and hear more about their plans to create positive change in their communities, make sure you're following Girls Action on Instagram: @girlsaction_fillesdaction.

Go Back to Women, Let's Take Our Place! / Femmes, Prenons Notre Place! homepage

This project is funded by Canadian Heritage. 

Girls Action Foundation/Fondation Filles d'Action is registered charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency.


CRA Registration No. 887126902RR0001

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